Wednesday, February 1, 2012

our new home

We moved to Colorado about 5 months ago from Maryland. I can't believe it's been that long. We moved from a charming old house into a rental townhouse and well, there are some pros and cons let's just say. Don't worry, the location makes up for the cons. Though our old home on the east coast was a bit more charming we're doing our best with our new home...though still dreaming of buying one some day soon...

We're settling in ...

Pillows and Gid's feet on the couch with a handmade blanket that was a cinch to crochet. Violet's beloved owl Handmade by Amy. Little corner in Gideon's room with fabric frames.

Violet's dresses and bunting in the reflection Handmade by Amy. Violet's adorable feet and favorite pillow.

Gideon unable to make a serious face with beloved Mr. Bear. Our mess by the front door. Kitchen table with Gid's favorite puzzles and handmade napkin holder. Goodwill dish set :)

Tall bookshelf turned on its side to block staircase rails so little ones don't fall through. Cement truck pic found at Goodwill. Violet wearing tutu and being adorable.


  1. How fun to see my handmades in your home! Glad to hear you are settling in! Was thinking about you this afternoon after reading Meg's post on their last craft weekend- bummed we never pulled our own together before you moved :( I'm still dreaming about it though :)

  2. Yeah, that would have been fun. Maybe you can come to CO for The Makerie retreat. It looks amazing.

  3. The first few months can be hard as you settle into the new environment, new people and new time zones. It's good to know that you're adjusting slowly yet surely in your new home. How are your kids, BTW?
