Sunday, January 31, 2010

Soup Can Candle Upcycle

It worked! I made these totally cute candles using my empty soup cans and old ugly candles. They ended up with a dip in the center though, not sure why, but it doesn't really bother me.

I made a double broiler by sticking the soup can in some boiling water, then chopped up old candles and stuck them in the can and watched them melt.

I stuck a wick through a cut out piece of paper (so it wouldn't flop over) and stuck it in the melted wax to harden

and voila!


  1. I like these a lot! Such a good idea. They turned out really well!

  2. I love this but I'm such a cluts I'm sure I'd set the house on fire!

  3. cool, could you paint the outside, or get the kids to do it?

  4. Saw some candle holders that had coloured string wrapped around the grooved part of the can.
    String colours that match the room colours would look better than just the plain can.

    janeyknitting (AT) yahoo (DOT) ca
    (Change bracketed caps to symbols and lose the spaces.)

  5. I liked the look of the plain can :)

  6. Spray the inside of the soup can with some cooking spray to keep the wax from being higher on the sides. That's caused because the wax is holding onto to the side as it cools.
